Birthday Party Planning Checklist


3-4 weeks before your birthday party

1. Choose a party theme.

2. Create the guest list. Friends and relatives if you want a mixed party.

3. Pick the party date and time. Parties are generally 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours long.

4. Order or buy party supplies, decorations, party favors, activities and prizes for games. Be sure to order enough tableware for the adults that will attend, as well.

2-3 weeks before your birthday party

1.Send the invitations with an RSVP.

2.Decide on activities and games to play. Plan more games than you expect to use in case you run out of activities before the party is over.

3. Plan your menu.

4. Arrange for extra help on the party day from friends or relatives.

1 week before the party

1. Order cake from a bakery if you are not baking your own. Bake cake and freeze it, if making your own.

2. Make any other foods that can be made ahead of time and store foods in the freezer.

3.Write out a final schedule of activities for the party.

4.Let siblings invite a special friend over for the day so they won’t feel left out. They can either play apart from the party or they can be helpers.

2-3 days before the birthday party

1. Buy remaining food for the party. Buy film and/or videotape. Check batteries for the camera and/or camcorder.

2. Get an exact guest count. Call those who haven’t responded.

1 day before the birthday party

1.Finish decorating the cake, or pick up the cake from the bakery.

2.Make sure you have plenty of candles and matches.

3.Child-proof the party area.

4.Decorate any indoor areas (save outdoor decorating for the day of the party).

5.Prepare food that can be made ahead of time.

Party Day!

1. Prepare foods and beverages that could not be made ahead of time.

2. Take plenty of pictures and videos to commemorate this special day.

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